Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Unit
The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Unit provides researchers with access to automatic or manual NMR experiments. It also advises researchers about which experiment will be most appropriate to their needs. It trains and teaches researchers about how to use NMR, what information can be obtained from NMR experiments and how to optimize the instrumental resources available, from practical details to general NMR knowledge.
The NMR Unit instruments measured during 20348 hours in 2015, 12% less time than the previous year. 83% of this time was used to measure samples under automation while 17% of the time was used to measure manually.
Regarding the use of the five spectrometers available, the most used instruments are the 500 MHz and one of the two 400 MHz spectrometers. These instruments were used almost 70% of the available time. The second 400 MHz intrument is used roughly 30% of the available time as it is set under manual mode most of the time and there is less demand for this kind of time compared to the demand for time under automation. This fact can be seen in the graph on the right.